Teacher PD

Teacher professional development logo


Kaiako and learning support staff play an important role in supporting the health and wellbeing of our tamariki and rangatahi, and in shaping their attitudes. Life Education Trust offers targeted professional development to equip them with knowledge and skills to support their learners.

Nurturing Healthy Minds

Our Nurturing Healthy Minds workshops are 90 minute interactive online sessions, providing convenient professional development opportunities. Content has been developed alongside experts and is designed for teachers and learning support staff across the education system - from early childhood through to secondary schools.  


Workshops available

Nurturing Healthy Minds - Anxiety 

Develop strategies to help students suffering from anxiety, including tamariki with autism.
Learn more.

Nurturing Healthy Minds - Neurodiversity

Learn how the brain develops and influences behaviour and decision-making, so you can better support all tamariki.
Learn more.

Nurturing Healthy Minds -  Digital Safety & Wellbeing

Develop a school culture of citizenship and safety around digital technologies.
Learn more.